Time: Monday-Tuesday June 11th-12th 2018 (2 full days)
Place: Stiklestad Nasjonale Konferansesenter/Scandic Stiklestad, Norway

NORHEART is proud to announce our 2018 Masterclass organized in collaboration with Nature! We offer two days of interactive sessions and unique scientific feedback from editors in Nature journals. Chief Biological Sciences Editor at Nature, Dr. Francesca Cesari, and Senior Editor of Biology at Nature, Dr. Nathalie Le Bot, will be heading the workshop!

The Masterclass is aimed at NORHEART PhD students and postdocs with supervising responsibilities. We welcome and recommend this Masterclass both to those who attended the 2016 and 2017 Masterclasses, and those who are new to NORHEART Masterclasses.

This year we will deal with both review papers and original research papers. Day 1 will cover topics like “What makes a great review paper?”, “Writing a Review”, “Elements of Writing Style”, “Titles and Abstracts”, “Submitting your Paper” and “The Editorial Process and Peer Review”. Practical exercises and examples will be related to translational and clinical cardiology papers published in Nature. On Day 2, you will get personal feedback from the Nature editors on your review or original research abstract.

The Masterclass will take place at the beautifully located Scandic Hotel Stiklestad at the important historical Viking site Stiklestad. Participation at the course will include networking opportunities, dinner and one night accommodation. Hotel, food, course and travel expenses to/from Stiklestad for NORHEART members will be covered by NORHEART. Bus transportation will be provided from/to Værnes airport (Trondheim) Monday morning and Tuesday evening, respectively.

See the full program for NORHEART Nature Masterclass 2018

Contact: Ida Gjervold Lunde, i.g.lunde@medisin.uio.no / +4790511364

Photos and summary of the NORHEART Nature Masterclass 2017 

Registration is full and admitted participants have been notified by e-mail.

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