Due to the covid-19 situation, the 2020 NORHEART Nature Masterclass has been postponed indefinetely.

Time: Cancelled
Place: Sommarøy Arctic Hotel, Tromsø

NORHEART is proud to announce our 2020 Masterclass organized in collaboration with Nature! We offer two days of interactive sessions and unique scientific feedback from editors in Nature journals.

The 2020 Masterclass is aimed at NORHEART postdocs, researchers, junior group leaders and associate professors with PhD supervising responsibilities. Each can bring one of their PhD students.

Focus will be on how to write state-of-the-art research papers. The senior participants will bring an abstract for a manuscript in preparation, and the PhD students will bring an abstract for a manuscript in preparation or a conference. All will have their abstracts reviewed by Nature editors.

Practical exercises and examples on writing and reviewing will be related to translational and clinical cardiology papers published in the Nature journal family.

Participation at the course will include networking opportunities, dinner and one night accommodation. Travel, hotel, food and course expenses will be covered by NORHEART.

Limited number of participants: 30 (15 senior participants and 15 PhD students)

Contact: Ida Gjervold Lunde, i.g.lunde@medisin.uio.no +4790511364.

Registration by online application from NORHEART postdocs, researchers, junior group leaders and associate professors with PhD supervising responsibilities.

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