Cardiac scientists benefit from understanding and utilizing a wide set of techniques, also outside of their own field of expertise. The popular three-day course Methods in Cardiac Research is arranged by NORHEART in Oslo every spring, and gives you knowledge about:

  • Commonly used and cutting edge methods in the field of cardiac research.
  • Methods in molecular biology including: real-time qPCR, RNA sequencing
    immunolocalisation, protein-protein interactions, western blotting, flow cytometry, FRET and ELISA.
  • Methods in cellular biology including: cell isolation and cell culturing, transfection, GM-mice, cell-stretching, calcium imaging, and quantification of intracellular signalling pathways.
  • In vivo and ex vivo testing of cardiac function in research animals, such as echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, telemetric ECG surveillance, pressure-volume measurements, exercise training and cardiac surgery in laboratory animals.
  • Cardiac examination of patients, such as MR, CT, SPECT.

The course gives you the skills to:

  • Select the appropriate method to use in your research.
  • Gain insight into the benefits and limitations of each method.
  • Explain the core principles of the presented methods.

Limited number of participants: 24.


Closed, but there are still a few available places. Contact if you’re interested.

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