We invite you to join us in Bergen for a state-of-the art course in cardiac imaging in research. The course is highly recommended for all PhD students using cardiac imaging in their research projects; both to increase knowledge within own field, but also to expand the general understanding of imaging in cardiac research.

The course will give in-depth insight on the possibilities offered by echocardiography, CMR and cardiac CT for cardiac research. Participants will learn how to apply these imaging modalities for the assessment of cardiac structure, function, infarction, hypertrophy and fibrosis.

PhD students will learn practical skills in planning, conducting and publishing of imaging studies from national and international experts.

The course will be held in Bergen the 8-10th of May 2023 at Grand Hotel Terminus. There is no course fee for student members of NORHEART, but participants must cover travel and accommodation.

Please be aware that the maximum number of participants is 15. Everyone with an interest in cardiac imaging is therefore encouraged to register as soon as possible. The course is registered for 3 ECTS credits at the University of Bergen (UiB) and is arranged in collaboration between UiB Center for Research on Cardiac Disease in Women and NORHEART.

Click here for more information.

Deadline for registration is 28th of February 2023.

Click here for registration.

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