The Norwegian Health Association has awarded the prestigious 2024 Heart Research Award (Hjerteforskningsprisen) to professor Kristina H. Haugaa.

Haugaa is a cardiologist with a specialty in genetic heart diseases. She works as a senior physician at The Department of Cardiology at Rikshospitalet and as a professor at the University of Oslo.

Professor Haugaa received the award for her pioneering work in cardiac medicine, focusing on preventing sudden cardiac death due to genetic heart defects. The Heart Research Award was presented to her by Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit on April 15, 2024.

“First and foremost, the award is important for all patients with genetic heart diseases and their families, but of course also for me and my research team. Together, we will continue to improve the diagnostics and treatment of those affected, and thereby prevent the worst imaginable incidents,” Haugaa says in an interview with The Norwegian Health Association.

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