A more relevant NORHEART for all heart researchers in Norway

NORHEART was established in 2013 as part of the research school program of the Research Council of Norway. The assignment has been to offer education for PhD students in cardiovascular research in Norway.

A new phase for NORHEART

Since 2013, NORHEART has grown to become Norway’s largest network of cardiac researchers, with more than 400 members. However, the Research Council’s support was limited to a maximum of 8 years, and NORHEART is therefore entering a new phase without such support.

This takes NORHEART into a new phase, and is an opportunity to adjust NORHEART’s goals and activity.

Professor Kåre-Olav Stensløkken at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo has been responsible for taking NORHEART into this new phase, and has taken over as Director of NORHEART after Professor Geir Christensen.

Professor Christensen established the research school, and has built it into the successful network it is today. He is thanked by the cardiac research community in Norway.

Much more than a PhD school

NORHEART will continue to offer courses to PhD students in Norway, but in a new initiative we will increase the focus on the career path after completing a doctoral degree.

We will arrange meetings for younger group leaders and researchers early in the career process, and collaborate with the faculties on new offers for postdocs.

NORHEART also has the ambition of arranging an annual cardiac research conference, and works closely with the Department of Cardiology at Oslo University Hospital on the conference for 2022.

With our new initiative, NORHEART will be even more relevant for all heart researchers in Norway. We recommend everyone to join the network, follow our newsletter, and feel free to suggest activities relevant to heart researchers in Norway.

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