Pictures from the Cardiac Café 2019

The Cardiac Café kicked off the 17th Annual CHFR Symposium on Heart Research on the evening of Wednesday September 18th, 2019.

Deputy Editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, Professor John Jarcho, was the first speaker with his excellent talk about publishing medical research in the journal. He was followed by Professor Burns C. Blaxall of The Christ Hospital Health Network, who gave an inspiring presentation about making the transition from trainee to boss, focusing on steps and missteps along the way.

Below are some pictures from The Cardiac Café. (All photos: Anders Revdal, NORHEART)

The Cardiac Café was chaired by Stein Ørn, Stavanger University Hospital and Kåre-Olav Stensløkken, University of Oslo.

Several PhD students and senior researchers showed up to listen to Professors Jarcho and Blaxall.

Professor John Jarcho of the New England Journal of Medicine and Harvard Medical School.

Professor Burns C. Blaxall of The Christ Hospital Health Network.


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