Pictures from The Cardiac Café 2018

The Cardiac Café kicked off the 16th Annual CHFR Symposium on Heart Failure on the evening of Wednesday September 19th, 2018. Due to the large interest from young as well as senior researchers, we had to use the largest conference room at Holmenkollen Park Hotel for this year’s Cardiac Café.

Editor-in-chief in JACC, Professor Valentin Fuster, was the first speaker with his excellent talk The future of health are our children (Based on 50,000 subjects). He was followed by Professor David A. Kass, who gave an inspiring presentation titled Innovative discovery and traslation – A career mantra.

Below are some pictures from The Cardiac Café. (All photos: Anders Revdal, NORHEART)

Tasty finger food was served.

Professor Valentin Fuster talked about how early intervention and education is essential for preventing non-communicable diseases.

For the first time, The Cardiac Café was organized in the largest conference room of the hotel. We are pleased to see the growing interest in this evening event.

Professor David A. Kass spoke about his own research career, and gave some excellent advice to the young researchers in the audience.

The audience and chairs had several questions for both speakers at The Cardiac Café.


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