MiPschool: Tromsø–Bergen

A total of 61 students and senior researchers attended the MiPschool Tromsø–Bergen on Hurtigruten on October 20–24. Although it was daring to arrange the meeting on Hurtigruten at a time of year when the weather isn’t always very pleasant, the school was a very positive experience and all the sessions went smoothly. The staff at Hurtigruten seemed very professional, both in terms of organizing meals and facilitating the activity in the conference room.

The program consisted of invited lectures on basic mitochondrial physiology and overview lectures with emphasis on changes in mitochondrial function in various organs under pathological conditions. In addition, some students held oral presentations based on submitted abstracts, while abstracts that did not fit in the oral sessions were discussed with the experts in the informal “MitoEAGLE Early Career Investigator Forum”. Viewed from the students’ standpoint, these sessions were perhaps the most popular. The meeting was also an important arena for networking.

The final program can be downloaded here, and the abstracts from the MiPschool are available here. Below are some pictures from the event, taken by the COST action leader Erich Gnaiger.

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