Heart patients still live unhealthy after treatment

The PhD thesis of Elise Sverre shows that most patients recently treated for coronary artery disease still have several risk factors.


  1. Only 2 % av patients with coronary artery disease achieve full risk factor control.
  2. Age, diabetes and higher BMI are predictors of hypertension after treatment for coronary artery disease.
  3. Heart patients with low socioeconomic status struggle more with smoking cessation.


Thesis: Socio-demographic, medical and psychosocial factors associated with unfavourable risk factor control after coronary events: A cross-sectional study of a Norwegian coronary population with detailed analyses of elevated blood pressure and smoking
Candidate: Elise Sverre
Time: June 14, 2018 at 12:45
Place: University of Oslo, Domus Academica: Gamle festsal
Link to university website (in Norwegian)


(1) 63 % of heart patients have three or more risk factors for a new cardiovascular event. 79 % are overweight, 60 % are not physically active enough, 57 % have elevated LDL cholesterol levels, and 46 % have hypertension. Moreover, less than half of the smokers manage to quit smoking, and less than half of the patients with diabetes achieve recommended levels of HbA1c

The NOR-COR study includes 1127 patients with coronary artery disease treated at the hospitals in Drammen and Vestfold. Data was collected between two months and three years after PCI or coronary artery bypass grafting.

(2) The heart patients who continued smoking had lower socioeconomic status than those who managed to quit. Patients who had smoked for many years before the cardiovascular event also had lower probability of quitting after the treatment. Moreover, patients were more likely to quit if they had been treated for an acute STEMI.

(3) Diabetes, high BMI and higher age were the only significant predictors of hypertension after treatment for coronary artery disease. Psychosocial factors, eductation or other socioeconomic factors were not predictors of optimal blood pressure control.


(1) Sverre, E., Peersen, K., Husebye, E., Gjertsen, E., Gullestad, L., Moum, T., Otterstad, J. E., Dammen, T. & Munkhaugen, J. (2017). Unfavourable risk factor control after coronary events in routine clinical practiceBMC Cardiovascular Disorders17(1), 40.

(2) Sverre, E., Otterstad, J. E., Gjertsen, E., Gullestad, L., Husebye, E., Dammen, T., Moum, T., & Munkhaugen, J. (2017). Medical and sociodemographic factors predict persistent smoking after coronary eventsBMC Cardiovascular Disorders17(1), 241.

(3) Sverre, E., Peersen, K., Otterstad, J. E., Gullestad, L., Perk, J., Gjertsen, E., Moum, T., Husebye, E., Dammen, T., & Munkhaugen, J. (2017). Optimal blood pressure control after coronary events: the challenge remainsJournal of the American Society of Hypertension11(12), 823-830.

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