Hilde Kristine Refvik Riise has used data on more than half a million Norwegian mothers to look at the associations between hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and future risk of cardiovascular disease.
- The risk of an acute myocardial infarction is increased after preeclampsia
- Hypertension during pregnancy is linked to increased risk of later cardivascular disease
Thesis: Hypertensive pregnancy disorders and subsequent cardiovascular disease in Norwegian women
Candidate: Hilde Kristin Refvik Riise
Time: December 13, 2018 at 12:15
Place: Haukeland University Hospital, Armauer Hansen House: Auditorium
Link to university website (in Norwegian)
(1) Especially women with preeclampsia who give birth prematurely have increased risk of acute coronary heart disease, according the one of Refvik Riise’s studies. The risk of death from cardiovascular disease is also increased. The article is based on information from more than 500,000 Norwegian women who gave birth between 1980 and 2002, and 1275 hospitalizations or deaths from acute myocardial infarction between 1994 and 2009.
After adjustment for other factors that could potentially have influenced the association (education, maritial status and birth year of the first child), women with preeclampsia during one or more pregnancies had more than twice the risk of a major coronary event during follow-up, compared to mothers who never had preeclampsia. If the child had lower birth weight than expected, the risk was more than tripled, and it was increased by 5-fold in women with preeclampsia who gave birth before gestational week 37.
(2) Women with hypertension in pregnancy have 80 % increased risk of cardiovascular disease compared to women with normotensive pregancies. The risk seems to be especially increased in hypertensive pregnant women who give birth prematurely. The study is based on more than 600,000 Norwegian women who gave birth between 1980 and 2009.
(1) Riise, H. K. R., Sulo, G., Tell, G. S., Igland, J., Nygård, O., Vollset, S. E., Iversen, A-C., Austgulen, R., & Daltveit, A. K. (2017). Incident Coronary Heart Disease After Preeclampsia: Role of Reduced Fetal Growth, Preterm Delivery, and Parity. Journal of the American Heart Association, 6(3), e004158.
(2) Riise, H. K. R., Sulo, G., Tell, G. S., Igland, J., Nygård, O., Iversen, A. C., & Daltveit, A. K. (2018). Association Between Gestational Hypertension and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among 617 589 Norwegian Women. Journal of the American Heart Association, 7(10), e008337.